December 1st - The CashBar
Navigator is available in the members area. Signup and download
your copy now!
Cash Surfer Reward Points ! Get Paid for just surfing the web .Refer
your Friends and Earn Cash while they surf !
Cashsurfer Navigator(tm) - Earn Points for surfing the web and
having our banners at the top of your screen !
Cashsurfer Links Rewards - Get even more points for clicking on
links, filling out forms, or visiting sponsors.
Cashsurfers Referral Network - Earn cash while other people surf
the web. Huge income opportunities!!
Is this too good to be true ? - No way we have set up our system
so when we earn you earn.
Check Out our Points system to see all the ways you can Earn Cash
Cash surfers is the newest surf for cash program to hit the web.
You make cash by using our Cashsurfer Navigator(tm) while you
surf. Make huge money referring your friends and family. Win
awesome cash and prizes for just having fun on the web!!!
You can earn points in
many different ways from
Surfing the internet with our CashBar Navigator (TM)
Filling out surveys from our partners
Playing our online games
Using our Free email and home pages
Visiting our sponsors websites
Referring Other new Members
By advertising CashSurfer Banners
You use the Cashsurfer Navigator to view ads and find kewl stuff
on the web. You can search for general info using our goto
interface, and get points. You can search for MP3's and other
great stuff. Chat check mail and work on your homepage all from
the Cashsurfer Navigator.
We pay on the 10th day of each month for the pay period ending at
the end of each month. Our payout structure is based on a Pooled
revenue Sharing formula. Your earnings are based on our profits.
So the more profitable we are, the more money you make. You
become our virtual Partner. We take the total points accumulated
by all Cashsurfer members and divide your total points into this
number. Then we pay based on your % of the total earnings of the
Internet Explorer is required to use the CashBar Navigator. Please download IE from Microsoft.
The value of each point will be calculated at the end of each month. You will be paid for your percentage of all the users points as compared to our revenue. This will vary from month to month. However we estimate that 10 points will equal one cent. Each banner view is worth 5 points.
The CashBar Navigator can only be located at the bottom of the screen in this version. You can click the small down arrow on the top left of the CashBar select hide. This will place it in the System Tray.
So click on the banner and register.
Thank You.