We?ll pay you (USD) $.25 per hour for up to 80 hours of your personal listening each month. If you do the math, you?ll realize you can?t retire to the Bahamas on $20 per month. But, hey, twenty bucks a month should at least cover your ISP charges, right?It gets more interesting when you encourage your friends and family to also join Why? Because we?ll pay you not only for the time you spend listening, but for their time too. And how about if we go a few steps further and pay you something when a friend, of a friend, of a friend, of a friend, of a friend listens? That?s right! You can get a cut-of-the-action on every member in your network down to five levels deep.Now if you?re content with beer money, then don?t worry about contacting your network of friends. Just enjoy your own personal listening. That?s fine. But if you think Franklin and Grant are cooler than Washington and Lincoln, building your network is a great way to collect their portraits!
Cash benefits are based on Time Spent Listening (TSL) to The Service. TSL is measured in terms of minutes, but is accrued in terms of segments. The length of a segment is currently 15 minutes, but that length may change from time to time. In order to receive credit for any part of the segment, Member must listen to the entire segment. Each Member?s personal TSL is capped at 80 hours per month.
TSL is accrued for both the Member?s activities as well as the activities of the Member?s referral network (who are themselves Members). Benefits are accrued as follows:
$.25/hr for Member?s TSL
$.050/hr for TSL of direct referral Members
$.025/hr for TSL of level 2 referral Members
$.025/hr for TSL of level 3 referral Members
$.025/hr for TSL of level 4 referral Members
$.025/hr for TSL of level 5 referral Members
Payouts to Members are made monthly based on the combined TSL of the Member and his/her network for that month. If the Member?s account balance exceeds $20 at the end of each month, the Member will receive a payout check from The Service. If the balance is below $20, the amount is carried forward to the following month.
Member cannot accrue TSL from any of the Member?s referral network participants which is greater than the Member?s own TSL for the month. For example, if your TSL for last month was 30 hours and you had two direct referral members with 40 hours of TSL each, you would be credited with only 30 hours of TSL from each subordinate (60 hours total, not 80). All Payout terms are subject to change without notice. During the current testing period, Member will not accrue cash benefits for TSL.
Very good. In fact according to PCData Online, our music is the #2 most listened to music on the Internet. Check it out.
You name it, we?ve got it. Here is just a sample of our 175+ music formats:Adult Contemporary , Top 40 , Classical, New Age , Country , Folk , Dance , Techno , Christian Gospel Hard Rock Rock Alternative , Rock Fetish , Rock , Pop , Rap , HipHop , Reggae , Oldies , Jazz , Blues , Soul, R & B , Big Band , Swing , World Music .
Starting with the basics, you'll need to have a sound card and speakers that are plugged in and turned on. We are capable of functioning with a 28.8 modem, but generally, the faster your connection - the better we will sound. It is best to use the most recent version of your browser available. However, if you're using Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, or AOL, we require the use of version 4.0 or higher. You'll also need to have the Windows Media Player downloaded AND installed.
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